Both the President and Mr Ram were disrespectful to each other

Dear Editor,

By fluke, I watched the WRHM Channel 7 broadcast of the news and was very, very disappointed by President Jagdeo’s actions in preventing Mr Christopher Ram who is a legitimate Clico policyholder from voicing his question/s. In my opinion, it is a clear indication that the President is afraid of Mr Ram.
The President should have allowed Mr Ram to ask his question/s and simply responded that he did not have answers at the moment, but hopefully those answers would be forthcoming at another forum.

Mr Ram should have never have used the word “idiotic” in relation to the President when he was interviewed by the reporter; he even said that he had no apologies.

Both of them were disrespectful to each other.

President Jagdeo has every right to dislike the dailies, but I would like to remind him that when he was on the opposition side, the dailies worked in his favour and were some of his best friends.

I hope that apologies are forthcoming from both parties.

Yours faithfully,
T Pemberton