Would an opposition government be better than the present one if elected?

Dear Editor,

After reading so many blogs, I am curious to know what readers think about these  three  questions.

One, what are the chances that an opposition government would be better than the present one if elected?

Two, how can we make the current government and opposition better serve the interests of all Guyanese?

Three, should more opposition participation precede power-sharing?

It seems that we need to do better than we have done so far, and we do need to find a way to do better. The government has done a lot of good things, but it has so far failed to solve the crime situation and take a much harder approach in several other areas, including corruption, incompetence, project management, D&I, local government failings, etc. Vital steps should not be held up, outside of constitutional grounds to never-ending political wrangling. There are too many acting or delayed appointments in commissions and offices which need to be more effective. We cannot wait for answers or promises every election year.

Yours faithfully,
N Augustus