US accused of failing to probe Iraqi abuse cases

WASHINGTON, (Reuters) – WikiLeaks released nearly  400,000 classified U.S. files on the Iraq war on Friday, some  detailing gruesome cases of prisoner abuse by Iraqi forces that  the U.S. military knew about but failed to investigate.

The Pentagon decried the website’s publication of the  secret reports — the largest security breach of its kind in  U.S. military history, far surpassing the group’s dump of more  than 70,000 Afghan war files in July.

U.S. officials said the leak endangered U.S. troops and had  identified some 300 Iraqi collaborators who were now at risk.
WikiLeaks’ founder Julian Assange said the documents showed  evidence of war crimes, but the Pentagon dismissed the files as  “ground-level” field reports from a well-chronicled war with no  big surprises.

“We deplore WikiLeaks for inducing individuals to break the  law, leak classified documents and then cavalierly share that  secret information with the world,” Geoff Morrell, Pentagon  press secretary, said.

The Iraq war files touched on other themes, including  well-known U.S. concerns about Iranian training and support for  Iraqi militias. The documents, which spanned 2003 to 2009, also  detailed 66,081 civilian deaths in the Iraqi conflict,  WikiLeaks said.

Assange told Al Jazeera television that the documents had  provided enough material for 40 wrongful killing lawsuits.
“There are reports of civilians being indiscriminately  killed at checkpoints … of Iraqi detainees being tortured by  coalition forces, and of U.S. soldiers blowing up entire  civilian buildings because of one suspected insurgent on the  roof,” WikiLeaks said in a statement.
Although the Iraq conflict has faded from U.S. public  debate in recent years, the document dump threatens to revive  memories of some of the most trying times in the war, including  the Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse scandal.

Media organizations given advanced access to the massive  database — 10 weeks in one case — broadly concluded that the  documents showed that U.S. forces had effectively turned a  blind eye to torture and abuse of prisoners by Iraqi forces.
In one case, an Iraqi policeman shot a detainee in the leg.  The suspect was whipped with a rod and hose across his back,  cracking ribs, caused multiple lacerations and welts.

“The outcome: ‘No further investigation,’“ the Guardian  wrote.
The documents also cited cases of rape and murder,  including a video-taped execution of a detainee by Iraqi  soldiers. That document can be seen here:  B27A2F1D750FE720
The New York Times said that “while some abuse cases were  investigated by the Americans, most noted in the archive seemed  to have been ignored.” It said soldiers had told their officers  about the abuses and then asked Iraqis to investigate.

Amnesty International condemned the revelations in the  documents and questioned whether U.S. authorities had broken  international law by handing over detainees to Iraqi forces  known to be committing abuses “on a truly shocking scale.”
“These documents apparently provide further evidence that  the U.S. authorities have been aware of this systematic abuse  for years,” said Malcolm Smart, Amnesty International’s  director for the Middle East and North Africa.

The document release could also renew debate about foreign  and domestic players influencing Iraq, which has been in a  political vacuum since an inconclusive election in March.