Cruelty to a dog

Dear Editor,
While driving down Hunter Street, I noticed a beautiful young dog sitting at the side of the narrow road and not moving. The road was very busy and since I was worried that it might get hit by a vehicle, I parked my car and decided to help her get to safety. When I got close to her she still refused to move. Thinking she had an injury of some sort, I got a sling from my vehicle and put it around her neck and pulled, it was then I saw what a cruel, cruel chop some monster had given her. The side of her left hip, all the way along her lower back, was split open for about 14 inches from a deep chop, and the ground where she was lying was covered with her blood. Luckily some young American men from the Jehovah Witness church passed by and assisted me in getting her into the dog kennel. I drove her to the GSPCA to be put to sleep by injection.

Why such things happen, I will never understand! What wrong did she commit: barking, going into the wrong yard or did someone passing by just take a swing at her with a cutlass for the fun of it?

The strange part of this is that she never once cried out in pain or tried to bite. She just lay there while suffering in silence. Editor, I hope you will print the attached picture of this atrocity so your readers can see the cruelty that was inflicted on this young beautiful female dog.

Yours faithfully,
Syeada Manbodh