Skeldon worker burned in boiler accident

An employee of the Skeldon Sugar Estate sustained severe burns to his hands around 2 pm yesterday while working on the boiler and is currently a patient at the New Amsterdam Hospital (NAH).

Dyanand Singh, of Skeldon, who is said to be in his 20s, was first rushed to the Skeldon Hospital in the estate’s ambulance where he received treatment. He was immediately transferred to the NAH, where his condition was listed as stable.

According to an eyewitness, Singh was “watching the conveyor belt [on the boiler] where the bagasse would run and the boiler “blow back” and “the fire catch him.”

The eyewitness told this newspaper that Singh, while ablaze, started to “run all over the place and holler.”

His fellow workers ran to his assistance and successfully managed to put out the fire with their shirts that they took off and rags. They also summoned the ambulance.