Britain must adopt universalism

Dear Editor,

Re your editorial ‘The end of multiculturalism?’ (SN, February 19) what some sections of the Brits must realize is that the whole world is rapidly changing from entrenched nationalism and blatant jingoism, etc, to adapt and adopt the inevitable and sensible benign concept that the earth is one country and all mankind its citizens, and also that mankind is like a beautiful garden with flowers of all colours and hues in it.

What they also must realize is that Britain is blessed with many races and cultures making up its beautiful landscape that have contributed and still contribute handsomely to its economy, culture and culinary delights. Thus these are positive contributions to the survival of a strong multicultural country. Variety is good but monotony is tedious.

The time for nationalism has passed, and jingoism is a symptom of an immature society. Universalism on the other hand, is what Britain must accept to solve its current dilemma. Britain should instead be at the cutting edge of universalism and accept the fact that this is a process towards the maturity of the human race. The indifference and difficulties multiculturalism is currently experiencing as a consequence of the inexperience of immature politicians and extremist groups are the growing pains which naturally come when the growth processes of the unity of the various races are beginning.

I lived in the UK (Sussex and Hull) and experienced blatant and subtle racialism, and also in Buxton in our beloved Guyana during the race riots, and have taken part actively in the annual Notting Hill carnival. From those educative experiences, like a grown mature man I learned that indeed there is one race, the human race, with all its varied colours and cultures and we must learn to accept that – which we are painfully doing, I think!

Britain must adapt and adopt, or perish!

Yours faithfully,
Rooplall Dudhnath