Next year maybe…

Dear Editor,

Now that Phagwah is come and gone, wistful dreamers might have fantasised about the meaning of Phagwah in real life and how the big telecoms giants got involved. GT&T had their blue powder event, while Digicel also shared out free powder at the Holi Utsav (no colour specificied).

Hindu philosophy talks about diversity, many colours and in a country which will see some divisions this year, it might have been nice for GT&T to share only red powder at their event, and if Digicel was not doing already so, plenty blue powder at their event.

Phagwah according to the messages from those who know in the newspapers, is about bringing people together and trying to overcome divides. It would have been nice if the Red-Blue divide was not so dominant today. But some of us Hindus, we have complex relationships with wealth and power, regardless of the teachings. Next year maybe…

Yours faithfully,
Vidyaratha Kissoon