Garbage woes

Dear Editor,

I am a resident of Sand Road Liliendal. My garbage has not been collected for 2 weeks now.

I was informed by another local that the garbage men came on a day other than the usual ‘pick up’ day. I am also aware, that today, along with others, my garbage bin was placed outside. I went out of the neighbourhood twice on this day and found others’ bins not outside and that my bin had not been emptied.

I am aware that our family is being taxed like everybody else. If the collectors are being paid to do a job, why are they discriminating and causing problems about the disposal of garbage? Are the collectors going to eat the garbage? Are they only collecting garbage from which they can extract something valuable?

I do not know what garbage collectors are going after but it is a rather rude game and if they cannot undertake their duties then the contract should be given to someone else.

In the meanwhile, what should I do with the garbage? Burn it on another’s lot, bury it or dump it? I certainly am not doing organic farming so I cannot eat it either!

Yours faithfully,
Rajesh Geer