BRICS grapple with China dominance in South-South trade

BEIJING, (Reuters) – Cheap Chinese exports have  decimated Brazil’s shoe industry and South Africa’s textile  sector. India has slapped anti-dumping duties on an array of  Chinese goods. Russia is sparring with Beijing over the price of  oil it sells to China.

If trade is the mortar holding together the BRICS — Brazil,  Russia, India, China and newcomer South Africa — the omens  would appear poor for the grouping, which holds its annual  summit tomorrow in the southern Chinese island of Hainan.

To its detractors, BRICS is an artificial construct — an  example of life imitating not art but Goldman Sachs, which  coined the acronym BRIC in 2001 for four fast-growing,  politically diverse countries that it reckoned were reshaping  the global economy.

Yet a more optimistic view holds that the explosion in  South-South trade, which leapt to 17 percent of the global total  in 2009 from 7 percent in 1990, has a long way to run.

Moreover, some experts say the BRICS caucus has already  shown its worth as a counterweight to the West in global talks  on trade and climate change and, within the Group of 20, on how  to redistribute power in international financial institutions.

In each case, despite differing positions, the five have  acted collectively to prevent advanced countries from driving a  wedge between them, said Sourabh Gupta with Samuels  International Associates, an international trade and political  risk assessment firm in Washington.

“There is a certain basic logic to their economic  interaction,” Gupta said. “They have not allowed themselves to  be co-opted by Western countries. Either they’re going to hang  together or hang alone.”

This is not to deny that China’s export juggernaut is  causing strains, exacerbated by Beijing’s determination to let  the yuan rise only slowly.   Countries such as Brazil — but also the likes of Portugal  — that are above China on the value chain are struggling to  compete in intermediate, capital-intensive products. “They have genuine reasons to be worried. If nothing else,  at least the unfairness arising from the yuan’s undervaluation  is an issue that needs to be tackled pronto,” Gupta said.

Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff will broach the issue of  the yuan, but her officials say she will avoid direct  confrontation.

“What we want is more reciprocity,” Rodrigo Baena, the  presidential spokesman, said about the objectives of her  five-day visit to China which started yesterday.


Indian manufacturers have also grumbled at being hollowed  out by their Chinese rivals, but Gupta does not expect an  unmanageable surge in protectionism.

“There is a good deal of anger about Chinese products, but  there is also, deep down, an awareness in India that part of  this is policy failings at their end,” he said.

India would stand a better chance of broadening the base of  its exports to China, now dominated by commodities, if it eased  labour laws that put manufacturers in a straitjacket.

More generally, Southern economies are shooting themselves  in the foot by levying much higher import duties on goods from  other Southern countries, 6.1 percent on average, than the 2.5  percent they face in the West, according to the Asian  Development Bank (ADB).

Still, the Manila-based bank expects the South-South share  of global trade to double in the next two decades.

With developing Asia accounting for about 75 percent of  South-South commerce, and China alone taking up about 40  percent, the challenge for the BRICS is to divide the cake more  evenly.

The trade share of Latin America and Africa is in fact  rising fast, but that is because of China’s hunger for oil and  raw materials, bought in exchange for low-cost consumer goods.  Some China critics have branded this model of trade as  neo-colonial.

One answer, the ADB says, is to expand the production  networks of “Factory Asia” to other regions in the South to  churn out goods for price-sensitive local consumers.

“Not only will developing Asia’s foreign direct investment  in these new networks enhance employment opportunities, raise  workers’ incomes, increase domestic demand, and enhance growth  prospects, it will also address in part global imbalances by  recycling high savings in developing Asia into investment in the  South,” the ADB said in a report last week.


Simon Freemantle, who analyses Africa’s political economy  for Standard Bank in Johannesburg, said China was already  repositioning itself as a “development partner” for Africa and  learning the lessons from episodes of anti-Chinese sentiment.

Zambia recently dropped charges against two Chinese managers  accused of attempted murder for firing at 11 coal miners during  a protest over pay.

Despite such incidents, Africa is by and large receptive to  booming Chinese trade and investment, Freemantle said. The textile industry in South Africa and Botswana has taken  a big blow, but across the continent families can now afford new  Chinese clothes instead of making do with Western hand-me-downs. Around four in five Nigerians and Kenyans in a recent BBC  World Service poll welcomed China’s growing clout. “All African  countries view China’s increasing economic power positively,”  the survey said.  Standard Bank sees no let-up in the acceleration of  commercial ties. By 2015, Sino-African trade could easily exceed  $300 billion, compared with $93 billion in 2009 and about $125  billion in 2010, Freemantle said.   And, as this week’s BRICS summit shows, where trade goes,  politics will follow, especially as economic power moves East in  the wake of the global financial crisis.

“African countries are increasingly aware of this global  shift and placing China in a more central role in their foreign  policy objectives,” Freemantle said.