The lofty ideal which was the inspiration for President’s College has diminished

Dear Editor,

We need to compliment the parents and students of President College who protested outside the Ministry of Education. The present environment of bullyism and an uncaring administration leaves citizens no choice but to express their anger and disgust on the streets. I hope others will awake from the collective slumber and tell this administration that from now on it will not be business as usual.

I am the parent of a student from the first batch of President College entrants, and have painfully witnessed the diminishing of the entire lofty ideal related to the architect of President College.

This was a school described before the advent of this government as a school of excellence, where students received high quality tuition, nutritious meals and where there were well-paid, caring teachers, loving house mistresses and house masters; this was a place where students could learn to play the piano, numerous sports, cultural skills, horse riding, help to produce some of the fruits and vegetables they consumed, learn adequate social graces and most of all interact with the communities nearby.

With all these billions spent on works that are never properly completed, the Minister of Education should along with the Chairman of the Board, hang his head in shame. It is no wonder that at a function at the Cultural Centre the Prime Minister walked out when some of the former students lamented the sorry state in which they found their alma mater.

Yours faithfully,
Hamilton Green JP