Who is Mr Ramotar?

Dear Editor,

Why is it that the media cannot give us comprehensive bio data on the various presidential candidates? It is a truism that voters in Guyana normally vote party rather than personality, but it would help to break this vicious cycle if the spotlight was thrown on the various candidates.  All that the general public knows is very basic information: Mr Ramjattan  (a lawyer), Mr Granger (a military man), and Mr Ramotar – well, he is perhaps the biggest question mark.  

 The man who for all intents and purposes will be president is almost a complete unknown to the general public.

What is his profession? What has he accomplished in his sixty-odd years on the face of the earth?  Has he achieved anything outside of the PPP, or is he a complete creature of the party? 

Yours faithfully,
Clive Edghill