Science, tech plan to target development

A recently developed Science and Technology Master Plan proposes merging science with technology, with the aim of improving the country’s research and development capacity, the Education Ministry has said.

According to a statement from the ministry, the draft plan, which is to be tabled before Cabinet, proposes more attention being placed on science and technology in schools.
It adds that “The pivot of this will… be the education and training of teachers; first to understand the power of science, and then to be able to effectively impart it to all segments of the population, starting with the pre-primary and primary levels.”

Several notable development plans, the ministry said, have argued that improvement in the country’s science and technology capability would facilitate the acceleration of the creation of a knowledge society. As a result, the ministry said that Guyana’s research and development capacity must be deepened to address local issues, and to identify, select and transfer foreign scientific insights and technological methods.

The plan is the culmination of a consultation to develop science and technology as a sector to push development. It was developed at the request of Minister Shaik Baksh.
The ministry said support for the effort was provided by UNESCO and was offered in two phases. The first, conducted in 2009, sought to produce a framework document to outline the policy imperatives of the country.

The second phase, which is current, will design elements of a plan to address these policy needs and concerns by offering options for execution and monitoring in order to ensure immediate and strategic implementation.

The consultant employed for this undertaking made a number of site visits to communities, companies, institutions and industries in regions Four, Ten and Six and in other areas of the country, with assistance from the National Centre for Education Resource Deve-lopment. Subsequent to these visits, a framework document of policies was prepared and discussed by a group of stakeholders. The ministry said after Cabinet’s approval the plan will again be subject to public scrutiny before being finalised.