Wrongly listed as an NIS defaulter

Dear Editor,

On Monday, February 28, 2011, at 10.30am, a member of the public brought to my attention the fact that the previous day, Sunday, February 27, 2011, in the ‘Weekend Magazine’ section of the Sunday Stabroek, a notice had appeared entitled, ‘National Insurance Scheme Employers indebted to the National Insurance Scheme.’

# 7 of the said notice read: “Reg. No. 13747. Name of Employer – Kirk Catering Ltd.”

A caller, one of many after that initial person made contact with me, asked if it referred to my company, to which I replied, I did not think so because all my payments were up to date. However, on them asking whether my registered number was 13747, I had to admit that it would appear to refer to my company, Kirkpatricks Enterprises Ltd, as that is our registered number with NIS.

Attached you will find copies of the cheques, the dates on which these were processed by NIS and further, the dates on which the receipts were issued.

Also attached is a Compliance Certificate issued on June 29, 2010, in which it clearly states that we were registered on September 18, 1980 and have paid contributions and fulfilled our obligations under the National Insurance Act, Chapter 34-01, in respect of our employees up until July 27, 2010.

I feel sure that NIS will acknowledge that an error appears to have arisen between the department where these amounts are paid into NIS and the Department of Compliance.

I live by the edict, render to God that which belongs to Him and to Caesar (read the government), that to which he is entitled.

Yours faithfully,
M J Kirkpatrick (Mrs) Director

Editor’s note
We are sending a copy of this letter to Ms Dianne Lewis-Baxter, the PRO of NIS for any comment she might wish to make.