What study was done to justify building four-lane highway to airport?

Dear Editor,

Well, I wrote on some issues some time ago concerning the four-lane road into the city and it has come to pass. Now based on information I got recently, we intend to start another coming from the airport. I smiled. After waiting two minutes at the GWI station in the same area at 10am, I saw my first vehicle. I would have thought the better thing to do would be to focus on another road linking the city to probably Friendship or some other area to ease the bottleneck that occurs during the weekdays, starting from Farm on the EBD.

The question is, what study has been done to warrant the construction of a four-lane roadway in this area? Was consultation done between the villagers and the Works Ministry to look at the effects of this roadway on them? What is the design of the new roadway and how does it take pedestrians into consideration? If it will affect the public, why has this not been published and an open forum kept? The same thing happened with the new boats that arrived recently, and many other projects that our monies are being spent on wastefully, I must add.  No consultation. Why? Believe me these are only a few questions, but it is a start.

Yours faithfully,
N Lynch