Why are three NIS phones dedicated to medical claims permanently engaged?

Dear Editor,

For the past two weeks I have been daily phoning the National Insurance Scheme‘s (NIS) three phone numbers given to me, ie, 225 2793-5, after I made a claim for repayment of a medical claim made in November last year, but with no success; they are always  unavailable or engaged, it seems.

When I phone during working hours I receive the engaged tone continuously, but if I do so during the lunch hour or after working hours, all three are available but there is no one to answer them, as is expected.

These three numbers are the ones all claimants are given in writing when they make a medical claim. However, if one should dial other numbers at NIS headquarters at Brickdam, one is answered by a staff member, (which I did), but one is usually politely and regretfully referred to the above three phone numbers. Because these three numbers permanently engaged, one cannot enquire and be cognizant about the status of one’s medical claim.

It seems that like me, many persons or claimants are reluctant to travel to Georgetown as the streets and pavements are water logged and filthy with rotting rubbish and stinking putrid dead animals strewn all over the place.

Yours faithfully,
(Name and address provided)