City Hall has mismanaged its finances and resources

Dear Editor,

Mayor Hamilton Green makes a paltry attempt to justify incompetence and politicking as he presides over the constant decay of the city. The citizens of Georgetown are only too familiar with his feeble political manoeuvrings.
City Hall has mismanaged its finances and resources repeatedly under Mr Green’s leadership, a situation destined to occur taking into account his many unsuccessful ventures into various sectors under the PNC regime. So the city suffers from two types of incompetence, one that is the natural flow and the other which is the handiwork of the Mayor.

Billions of dollars have been pumped into the city in addition to the direct assistance from central government in the construction of roads and bridges, and the cleaning of drains and canals and other works that have been neglected by the Mayor and City Council.

While there is an effort to convince us that the council is cash-strapped, the Mayor and City Council approve steady salary increases for themselves. Mr Green is scoring cheap political points by blaming the government for not granting the council additional revenue streams. How can the citizens trust the council to handle additional sums when they cannot be prudent and accountable for those currently in their possession?

Yours faithfully,
Kwame Mc Coy