ACDA mourns loss of ‘father figure’ Moore

The African Cultural and Development Association (ACDA) hopes that celebrated artist and sculptor, Phillip Moore, who died on Sunday, will receive special honours on Guyana’s Independence Anniversary.

“He should be celebrated by all Guyanese and given special honours during the coming Independence celebrations on May 26 this year,” the organization said in a statement.

Described by the organization as an “artist extraordinaire”, ACDA said that “Phillip Moore is one of Guyana’s greatest gifts to the world. A deeply ‘spiritual’ artist Phillip Moore believed that his spirit was ‘an ancient spirit reincarnated in a modern body’” the statement said as it related Moore’s dream which he had said had been the key to him becoming an artist. The renowned sculptor had said that a hand reached down from the heavens and a voice commanded him to begin his career as an artist.

Born on the same day on which ACDA commemorates African Holocaust Day, October 12, the organization said “Moore personified African mystical art in his timeless creative works.” The release also stated that the organization plans to continue to celebrate Moore at its Emancipation festival.

“ACDA holds Phillip Moore dear to our heart… We will constantly miss him…His memory will never leave us at ACDA and will never leave our nation because his legacy will always be seen in the genius of the 1763 monument…His creative vision has blessed us for so many years and will continue to bless us for time immemorial”, ACDA declared.