NICIL’s current modus operandi is not the same as under the PNC

Dear Editor,

Please help citizens to appreciate the spectacle being unfolded in our state-controlled media in dealing with the NICIL matter. The Sunday Chronicle front page read, ‘Brassington says NICIL uses same modus operandi, as under PNC.‘ This is deception and an attempt to deflect from the real issues. Obviously, Mr Winston Brassington has no understanding of what modus operandi means; it is simply the manner of operation.

As a member of the PNC government when NICIL was established, it would have been inconceivable to even half operate the way NICIL has been operating under this regime and his stewardship. No need for details, which I hope will emerge when a full enquiry is conducted. I publicly challenge Mr Brassington to give one example, or better still, a pattern to show that the mode of operation now is the same as under the PNC. He can start by saying which PNC or NICIL functionary obtained shares for or on behalf of a brother, and the sweet deals such as GPC and Sanata Textiles. The list is long.

Yours faithfully,
Hamilton Green