Youths should be in the forefront of moving this country towards a better tomorrow

Dear Editor,

Guyanese continue to grapple with the aftermath of the general election of Nov 28, 2011 and the unique circumstances prevailing with the Tenth Parliament. It has become apparent that the democratic process will be rather tedious, but the majority of Guyanese remain hopeful that our new and sometimes quite affable President Ramotar will heed the wise counsel of his peers and those in the diaspora, among others, and especially the peace-loving and law-abiding citizens in our midst to govern this country for the benefit of all of us.  I know he can, and suspect he will in time.

We are constantly reminded in our homes, by a highly respected business executive and TV host about the transformation of Guyana’s fortunes within five years, if proper and adequate mechanisms are implemented, as envisioned when we were a colony.

Editor, I am offended when non-nationals from our colonial past are applauded when they initiate any sort of clean-up campaign in the city, 46 years after independence, even though meaningful intervention from whatever quarter is welcome. Further I say not.

It is my fervent hope that Guyanese, notably the youths, can inculcate at the very least some of the moral values so guarded and cherished by those who grew up in the pre-independence years and which they took for granted.

I am often preoccupied by the generation gap, but remain confident that with astute leadership, two of my favourite groups, YCT and FTF, ie, Youth Coalition for Transformation and Facing the Future, much can be achieved. Youths are the majority of the population and should emerge from the shadows and remain in the forefront in their role of responsibly moving this country to a better tomorrow. They should always cherish these words as they go forward: Prejudice is a burden which confuses the past, threatens the future and renders the present in accessible.

Yours faithfully,
Lloyd Davidson