Corbin’s stint as leader was not a successful one

Dear Editor,

At the end of his inglorious and disastrous period as leader of the People’s National Congress Robert Corbin needs to cover up and camouflage his failed leadership of the party by scape-goating me and others. His stint as leader of the PNC will go down as the darkest period in the history of the party. He reversed most of the gains achieved by Burnham and Hoyte, and he did it at the same time with alacrity and arrogance.

Apart from being a YSM executive member in the early ’70s, I held no other position in the PNC elected or otherwise. Since the ’70s I have always operated on the fringes of the PNC, recognizing since then that God-given special, and in my case relative to Corbin, superior ability was never going to be allowed to blossom and grow. That is why I organized the 2002 struggle in support of the Kwakwani people under the umbrella of the People’s Solidarity movement.

The mistake I made at the time was to allow Mr Corbin and others to be involved, but I was acting on the instructions of Mr Desmond Hoyte to involve Mr Corbin et al.  However, my conscience is clear and my heart is pure, concerning the 2002 struggles and the tragic event of July 3, that saw two comrades losing their lives and many others being injured. I have written about these events and will publish at a time of my choosing, and no baiting by Mr Corbin will pre-empt me. Suffice to say that it was Mr Corbin who was aggressively pushing me to give myself up.

I have deliberately stayed out of this current Linden struggle, because I saw betrayal looming on the horizon.  Mr Corbin, however, will not succeed in his attempt to direct the anger of the people of Linden against me – up to yesterday he was leader of the PNC has he stepped up to the plate?

I supported the PPP at the last elections purely for economic reasons, I felt we in Linden and Region 10 needed a five-year breathing space to bring real economic development to the region and Linden by any means necessary. The people of Region 10 rejected my entreaties – so be it.

My first, my foremost, and my only political support is and always will be to and for the people of Linden and Region 10.  My record of achievements cannot and will not be erased by Mr Corbin. It is the disunity of and among black leaders that is responsible for our current condition in Guyana.

Yours faithfully,
Phillip G Bynoe