No time for the President to visit Linden

Dear Editor,

Who cares? It is 10:20 hours; a vehicle belonging to a major beverage company, stops at the red light on Mandela Avenue.  A hand emerges and an empty plastic bottle and a small beverage can, are thrown onto the council reserve. The light changes to green; the vehicle drives off; the pollution continues.

Insensitivity: There are some businessmen who are so concerned about the financial damage to their pockets (as a result of the Linden situation), that they have become incapable of thinking rationally. This irrationality has manifested itself in a few of them urging the President to visit Linden and speak to the community. I am of the opinion, that those gentlemen have been sleeping since the Linden situation deteriorated; had they not been, they would have known that the President had planned to visit Linden. He had requested that the road blocks be removed; however he was subsequently advised by the security forces to postpone his visit, because of their inability to guarantee his safety.

The flames at Linden are being fanned by irresponsible politicians and persons with a hidden agenda. Everyone has a right to protest, but it must be done within the confines of the law. The utterances by some persons on the use of tear smoke are surprising. At least one of them, had he been on the ground (in another time, and another place), and based on a similar situation there, would have resorted to its use.

Yours faithfully,
C S Vaughn