The Ministry of Local Government should hold a public meeting in Kwakwani

Dear Editor,

Please permit me to comment on the headline for the SN September 8 article ‘Kwakwani election could set a bad precedent, says Whittaker.’ As a resident of Kwakwani who participates in all my community’s activities, I felt insulted by the Minister within the Ministry of Local Government saying that the majority of residents are wrong to demonstrate that they prefer to have a democratic system to select the representatives on their council.

The ‘D’ in NDC stands for democratic, and that is all we are demanding, Let us use a democratic process to select our people to represent the community.

To hand pick without the involvement of the majority of residents will be considered undemocratic.

I appeal to the Minister to please visit Kwakwani and hold a public meeting with the residents at the Workers Club, as all our cabinet ministers do.

As of  to date, there was no public meeting held by the Ministry of Local Government to discuss any issue concerning the NDC with the residents who are being asked to cooperate with a committee which was imposed upon them.

Yours faithfully,
Jocelyn Morian