Safe braking distance

Dear Editor,

The accident on Sunday between the fire engine and a motor vehicle has caused me to make an observation and comments pertinent to the East Bank and other roads with similar indisciplined driving practices.

There are two lanes on the East Bank road with a median separating the other side. Almost all motorists drive without a safe braking distance as required by law. Consider the ambulance or fire engine wishing to pass, where can the right lane traffic pull over to with vehicles at bumper to bumper?. This practice must be re-examined as it is not only for safe passage of these vehicles but our own safety in being able to avoid accidents.

Only recently, I stopped at the pedestrian crossing in the right lane to allow users to cross with
my hand in the stop signal  mode whilst the inner lane traffic  was racing towards the stop sign.

I had to use my horn to get their attention.

Yours faithfully,
(Name and address supplied)