Patriotic American

On the other hand, why is it so easy for me to love America? Why is it that I feel so proud to be an American? Why is it that every time I hear the American anthem, I get goose bumps and feel a chill running through my body?

Is it because it has given me a second chance and many more opportunities in life? Is it because it has given me a good education, job, financial security, and a safe place to raise my family?

Why do I love America so much that I am willing to give my life for it? Why is it that I was so willing to go to war in Iraq and Afghanistan, to protect and defend this country? Is it because I know that America has my back and that my family will be will taken care of, if I get injured or killed in combat? Why is it that I don’t feel this way about Guyana? Is this one of the reasons why I love America so much, and I have a difficult time loving Guyana?

Yours faithfully,

(Name and address provided)