Why not grow your own parsley?

Have you ever thought of growing your own herbs in pots or window boxes?  To be able to pinch a few leaves of fresh parsley (Petroselinum crispum), celery, thyme, basil or rosemary is a luxury we should not do without.  Parsley is thought to have come from Sardinia, and great healing and protective properties have always been associated with it.  Indeed it is rich in minerals and vitamins.  Basically there are two varieties: the curly leaved and the flat leaved.  In Italy it is still preferred for cooking and garnishing and it is delicious when freshly cut and used in soups, salads and stews.


Growing your own parsley

Parsley is a biennial plant with a two-year lifespan.  It belongs to the same family as dill, cumin and other popular garden herbs.


1.  Soak parsley seeds in warm water for 24 hours before sowing, as they are very slow to germinate.

2.  Sow seeds in a container of moist Pro-Mix and a little clean white sand mixed together.

3.  Place them in a position where there is light, and water when necessary. Check that the sowing mixture does not dry out.

Remember it may take up to 6 weeks before the parsley seeds germinate.  Feed with Miracle Gro All Purpose Plant Food every 7-14 days.

Parsley grows best in a bright, sunny spot. It can be transplanted into regular potting soil and planted outdoors in pots or window boxes.

Not only is parsley an extremely versatile herb to use, it is also an attractive plant grown in a pot and placed by the kitchen window.

Until next week, Happy Gardening!