Rose Hall anniversary plans getting positive response

The Rose Hall Town Anniversary and Development Organization says plans for celebrations for the 42nd anniversary of the town are moving apace with lots of positive feedback and an agenda that caters to all tastes. PRO/Coordinator of the event Andrew Griffith says celebrations will be held from September 16- 30 under the theme “Unity for a better community.” The agenda caters for all age ranges, which to date, includes an Opening Ceremony and Spelling Bee competition on September 16, along with an ice cream banquet; a day with the Guyana Defence Force where persons can access medical care and those desirous of entering the force can register; a football competition and annual street fair and lime.

Griffith said the fair and Town Day celebrations are receiving positive feedback from both the public and private sector and if these ideas come to fruition the event will be bigger and better than previous years.

He also said that  issues between the town council and the organisation have all been resolved and plans are progressing.