Guyanese need to be more creative

Dear Editor,

It’s time for us to become sincerely Guyanese, so that we could unmistakably identified. The establishment of this positive identity is being hindered, because we do not exercise our faculties enough to awaken and tap into our latent or dormant inborn talents, in order to become more innovative, original and creative, instead of being imitative.

We mimic Caribbean, North American and British accents fluently. But do they mimic ours?

Local DJs speak with a Jamaican accent. Our National Cultural Centre should be used to depict and promote more indigenous entertainment, as against the invasion by foreign entertainers.

I wish to close with a pertinent quote by John Stuart Mill: “All good things which exist are the fruits of originality.” This is a sentence to remember when you feel that you must live your life according to others’ prescriptions, only when you are yourself does your life have real meaning.

Yours faithfully,
George Carrington