Results matter not seating arrangements

Dear Editor,

We sure do see and hear a lot of nonsense in this land of ours.

And also we sure have a bunch of misplaced values and sense of importance.  Oh no!  Then how do we explain the brouhaha over APNU’s seating rearrangement of its members in parliament?

I admit that there are formalities which ought to be observed, but still, is that the kernel?  I thought it was one’s contribution that really, really mattered and not where one sits since that can’t diminish his/her contribution.

Would a Chief Whip be deprived of his/her sting, or cause him or her to become less or more dynamic because of being in a certain row?  What is required of an MP can be delivered from any seating position in that hallowed chamber called parliament.  In fact, it can even be made from outside of it where at times it can be much more effective with lightning results.

I don’t think the masses care one pint of parrot liquid where any MP sits, but they certainly do care and are mindful of whatever contribution is made in their favour that improves their well-being and is of greater service to the country.

It’s all about quality, impact and positive results, not having a seat anywhere in parliament.

Talk about hairs, this place is crazy.

Yours faithfully,

Frank Fyffe