GWI should stop charging customers for water they do not use

Dear Editor,

Some time last week I went to GWI in Vlissengen Road to pay my water bill, and to date my water bill has been up to date. I was told that I owed six hundred and something dollars. My eyebrows raised and I asked why and how. I didn’t get a proper response. However, I was told by a senior administrative employee that the minimum amount of water to be used per month is 20 cubic metres, and if we use less than 20 cm, we will still be billed for that amount.

GWI needs to stop charging us for what is not used. They installed water meters to have an accurate reading then bill us per month at $61.00 per cubic metre. They should charge us for the amount of water we use per month according to our meter reading. Please note that we do not pay with monopoly money to give away. Every cent counts, even if it is five dollars.

Yours faithfully,
Lolita Hicks