Back-to-school tips for parents

Students have had a long break from school and it is almost time to send them back to the classrooms again. But are they really ready to start the new school year?

First of all you have to get organized and provide them with the basic necessities while trying not to spend too extravagantly. Here are some tips on preparing them for the new term:

–          Try to gather stationery and other items from around the house that can be reused instead of spending extra to purchase them again.

–          Make a list and do not buy items that are not needed.

–          Another way to avoid overspending is to shop around and compare prices.

–          While your budget may be tight, try not to buy too many ‘cheap’ items that would not last long and would have you spending on them again. In other words, look for quality and not quantity.

–          Capitalize on sales just to save some cash.

–          When buying for more than one child, it is better to do so at wholesale stores where you would get value for money.

–          Your children may be enjoying their time staying up late at nights and getting up late in the mornings, but start bringing them back to their normal routine slowly.

–          You may have finished your shopping and it is now time to start packing the school bags. The best thing is to get your children involved in doing that.

–          You can also get them to help paper their note books and labelling them so they can feel a sense of responsibility.

–          Make sure your children’s hair and nails are well-groomed in time for school.

–          Do not wait until the morning of the new school day to prepare the uniforms. Let your children try them on beforehand and ensure that they fit well and get them ironed at least the day before.

–          Ensure they leave home early to get to school on time and let punctuality continue throughout the school year. This would enable them to stay focused and to perform well in class.