GWI should fix the water problem in Melanie, Non Pareil urgently

Dear Editor,

It has been 11 days since we, the residents of the Melanie and Non Pareil have had water. In this day and age, water, which is a basic need has been denied to us. Where are we heading in this country? How long does it take to remedy a problem which myself and fellow residents have repeatedly complained about to Guyana Water Inc, the Ministry of Communities and even a call-in programme? This is the last straw, where I am writing to inform the general public of the plight we face in our community.

This water problem is in addition to the more frequent blackouts we have been experiencing.

Every day I have to leave work early to go home and stand at my pipe to get the little drips, so that I can cook dinner, allow my children, husband and elderly parents to have a bath with at least a half bucket of water! Plus I have to fill containers from the drip-drip water so I can store it to do all the same things again in the morning. Yesterday it got worse; the drip-drip water pressure was so low, I only got a drip at a time. I was busy from yesterday between 5pm and 7pm filling water for my nightly routine, and had to stay up until 12.30 am to fill water for the morning routine and get enough to store in case I don’t get water this evening.

That’s my plight, as a wife, mother, daughter, resident and citizen of my country like so many others in my community. I am calling on the management of GWI, Ministers of Communities (all 3 of them) and President Granger, that if you can’t give me the good life, at least fix my water problem.

Yours faithfully,
Jennifer Singh