Dharmic Sabha should move the motorcade to November 9

Dear Editor,

As the discussion continues with regard to whether Diwali is the 10th or the 11th, some have chosen to politicize the discussion and have become very abusive. This needs to stop. Those who wish to celebrate on the 10th should do so, likewise those who choose the 11th.

Having said that and noting that the Diwali Motorcade, thanks to the Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha (GHDS), is one of the most popular events in Guyana viewed by thousands, I would want to conclude that many would miss the opportunity to view the parade because they would be doing their lighting-up at home on the 10th November. I am inclined to suggest to the GHDS that they bring forward the Diwali Motorcade to the 9th, so that all those who are desirous would be afforded the opportunity of viewing the parade and enjoying the cultural show.

Yours faithfully,
Rajendra Bisessar