There should be national guidelines on acceptable blood sugar levels

Dear Editor,

Further to the article on page 2 of SN’s edition, November 17, wherein better public health measures to combat the growing problem of diabetes were suggested, I would like to make this observation. Several patients with blood sugar levels of 150-160mg/dL are being advised by government health centres and private doctors that this is ‘normal’ and to continue with whatever measures it is that they are doing. Some patients themselves seem better informed, but are dealt with fairly harshly when questioning the wisdom of the statement of ‘normal’.

I would like to suggest that national guidelines on what is acceptable be published and become common knowledge, as with the advent of self-monitoring machines, many patients can do this themselves. I would also like to suggest that some sort of system be set up so patients can calibrate their blood pressure and glucose monitoring machines on a regular basis.

Yours faithfully,
Dionne Fries