Central housing issues land use warning

The Central Housing and Planning Authority (CH&PA) is warning the public that it has to give planning permission before the start of any building operations or the change of land use for the purposes of establishing a business.

For years, citizens have had to deal with land use violations and the cropping up of businesses in residential areas.

In a notice in yesterday’s Sunday Chronicle, the CH&PA said that it will soon begin a comprehensive review of the prevailing land use characteristics or patterns within George-town “as this relates to the many instances of incompatible land use scenarios which have very negative environmental impacts”.

It said this exercise is derived from powers vested in the Authority by virtue of the Town and Country Planning Act, Chapter 20:01, Laws of Guyana. The notice said that the general objective of the exercise is to inform and guide the designing of new land use control policies, inclusive of zoning policies, “to better promote and maintain the orderly and harmonious development of land within the city”.

It said that land use permission has to be applied for from the CH&PA through the Georgetown City Council.

It said that more information can be obtained from the developer’s manual at the CHPA website at www.chpa.gov.gy .