Why can’t pensioners get loans?

Dear Editor,

Republic Bank has a policy that after one has retired, one is not entitled to access any more loans from the bank. In my opinion this makes their customers (pensioners in this case) feel rejected and discarded. Over the years while the pensioners were working, their salaries and in some cases other financial resources went into this very bank to help boost its financial status and capability generally speaking. I have given over 33½ years to public and private service in this country. Many pensioners like myself have done the same or more but are also being disregarded now.

The present government after announcing the one-off package for public servants also disregarded pensioners by leaving them out. I am also in the process of writing a letter to them.

Editor, I hope the administrative staff of the bank will see this letter and make some adjustments in relation to these harsh policies to ease the pressure financially on pensioners, who need to pay bills and satisfy their needs generally. After you retire you still require financial and other assistance to help you to survive and take care of your children (who may not all be grown). And in many instances pensioners have to take care of their grandchildren, other relatives or elderly parents.

Yours faithfully,
George Gomes