On Messrs Tulsie and Parmanand

Dear Editor,

On Wednesday (Jan 20) the media carried a letter written by my friend, the very well-known Tony Vieira (not, as he sought to clarify, Anthony Vieira, Director of GuySuCo) in which he, among other things, questioned whether Mr Khemraj Tulsie does in fact exist or whether he is among the recent writers about the sugar industry and GuySuCo who use various ‘noms de plume’.

Without getting into the merits/demerits of the letters written by Tony Vieira and Khemraj Tulsie let me assure Tony that Khemraj does exist; this fact can be ascertained by Mr Anthony Vieira in his capacity as a GuySuCo Director because Khemraj Tulsie is and has been a staff member of GuySuCo for many years.

Like Tony, I have also had cause to wonder if another “recent letter writer” who also writes about matters involving GuySuCo under the name Rajendra Parmanand does in fact exist, or is this a pseudonym for someone who prefers to hide his real identity for whatever reason. Now, this is a case where for professional reasons I would honestly like to make contact with this person, because it appears that he is also a professional in the Human Resource Management field and we may be able to learn from each other ‒ or certainly I might benefit from his insight into matters of mutual interest. For example, I might benefit from his apparent superior knowledge of Guyana’s demographics, the supply and demand of skills and competencies in the local labour market with particular reference to the sugar industry, and issues of succession planning, etc.

Can Mr Parmanand please facilitate our contact; the Editor is authorized to supply my e-mail address.

Yours faithfully,

Nowrang Persaud