Ratepayers hope that LBI/Better Hope councillors will be replaced by new and fresh faces

Dear Editor,

One wonders what explanation there must be for the powers that be at the Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC) of LBI/Better Hope on the East Coast of Demerara to neglect the cleaning and clearing of the overgrown bushes, tall grass and accumulated silt that have blocked the drains and canals of the villages from LBI to Better Hope on the East Coast of Demerara? One wonders.

Bushes and shrubs impede the free flow of rainfall and wastewater, thus, it takes nothing more than a downpour of rain to cause a flood which causes structural damage to a ratepayer’s property because the stagnant of water takes days to drain off. The rain is imminent any time now, and most ratepayers are fearful about the silent structural damage it would cause to their properties.

In addition, Editor, the main concrete culvert along the East Coast Highway from Success village to Chateau Margot is already totally blocked with tall, five-foot bushes and grass which stop the free flow of waste and rain water. Also there is a thick two-foot layer of sand and mud sediment which has built up in that culvert.

While ratepayers are worried about the damage to their properties, some of the councillors are obviously or tacitly canvassing to be returned as members of that inefficient and ineffective council. We hope that none of them would be returned but replaced by new and fresh faces.

And in addition one must note that the council no longer collects rubbish it seems, as only the private contractors are seen doing a thriving business at the expense of faithful ratepayers.

Someone is reported to have said that while Rome was burning, the Emperor Nero was fiddling.

And one must note Editor, also, that rust and corruption are irreversible once they start.

I trust that the powers that be will take note of this vexing matter at the LBI/Better Hope NDC which the majority of ratepayers are peeved about.

Yours faithfully,
(Name and address provided)