Port Mourant Turf Club achieved great heights through prudent management

Dear Editor,

We the executives of the Port Mourant Turf Club would like to respond with the facts to a letter published in the Kaieteur News on Sunday, February14 captioned ‘Concerned over the Port Mourant Turf Club’ written by a concerned horse owner.

Editor, in his/her letter it was stated that the late Mrs Lilian Crawford, Gregory Vanderstoop and Mr Pompey were all trustees of this club. This is a gross misrepresentation as the names listed were never trustees, rather, they were executive members of the Turf Club. Presently, the Port Mourant Turf Club has five trustees who are active in the affairs of the club.

This concerned horse owner has emphasized the mismanagement of the club and the political affiliation of the remaining trustees. However, he/she has not provided an iota of evidence to support this allegation. One must ask the question, what is this person’s motive?

When the new management along with the trustees took over the affairs of the club, the infrastructure was in a deplorable state. Basic amenities were lacking such as washrooms; there were no rails on the track; inadequate paddocks for horses; poor stand accommodation (leaking and rotten floor); no caretaker facilities and most importantly, the stand was sliding into the GuySuCo drainage façade ‒ and the list goes on.

Editor, it was with prudent management that this club was able to achieve great heights after inheriting the above. We are sure that the concerned horse owner is benefiting from these updated facilities which he/she is enjoying at free of cost. Over the years, we have been engaging all members, horse owners and stakeholders and to date we have one of the best tracks in Guyana.

Over the years, GuySuCo was a member of the Turf Club but they had decided to withdraw from the club. Some facilities were still given to the Turf Club until recently; we were told that we would have to pay for the electricity. However, we had a private arrangement with GuySuCo to remove the electricity from the club. At the same time, arrangements are in the making to have electricity restored to the Turf Club during the course of the year by GPL.

In closing, Editor, we the executives have never refused the inclusion of any government or non-governmental organization. This club has been a part of this community and hosted many activities in aid of community projects free of cost. We are therefore extending our hands as recommended by the concerned horse owner to the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport and also the Ministry of Social Cohesion to come on board with us and help explore the possibility of having the internal track and inner field developed to aid in providing recreation for the youths in and around the community.

We hope the facts that we have presented will eliminate the misrepresentations about our club that this concerned horse owner has conveyed to horse-racing fans and readers at large.

Yours faithfully,

C Ramnauth


For Executives of Port Mourant Turf Club