A campaign to end false name-calling?

Dear Editor,

There is a general clean-up campaign going on. While we are at it, wouldn’t it be nice if we could start a campaign, or rather, stop a campaign that has been going on for years now, ie, that of calling people false or offensive names?

To my mind, calling people offensive names is a sign of an inferiority or superiority complex; an exhibition of immaturity or an inability to win an argument by normal, decent means. In any event, they are all manifest complexes. Complexes are mental or emotional deficiencies. Sad, that such a practice has been allowed to become the norm in the Guyanese society.

Maybe some decent newspapers or journalists can lead the way in starting to reverse this norm. Maybe a decent politician can make a declaration. Maybe some offended person can file a lawsuit to set a revolutionary precedent.

Yours faithfully,
Gokarran Sukhdeo