It is all politics

Dear Editor,

I have been following the events on the Commission of Inquiry into the death of Dr Walter Rodney – the comments back and forth and so on. I have come to the conclusion that it is all politics. In my opinion, the PPP decided to do a hatchet job on the PNC, and the PPP and WPA members have obtained the result that they wanted – and the taxpayers have paid dearly for the PPP and WPA’s political games.

I have read some of President David Granger’s views of the report and it seems to me that he is playing catch-up – he should have been proactive from the inception with respect to the composition of the CoI. Just talking about it was not enough. It was and is politics and the taxpayers are the losers.

I, like many Guyanese, was aware of the tension between Burnham and Rodney and the resulting violence from both sides – but I have always been puzzled by the WPA’s reasoning that it would have been alright for Rodney to have eliminated Burnham but not the reverse. It is all politics.

Yours faithfully,
Kean Gibson