Not a jungle or swamp

Dear Editor,

A recent article in the Daily Chronicle mentioned the transformation of a certain area of D’Urban Park, which it said was a jungle and a swamp prior to the construction of the Jubilee Stadium. The Longman’s Dictionary of Contemporary English, defines or describes (a) jungle, as a tropical forest too thick to walk through, and (b) swamp (swampy), as an area of land, which is always full or covered with water.

I cannot remember those two conditions existing at D’Urban Park, or any part thereof, in recent times. If it were so, how come heavy duty machinery and trucks, used to clear the bush from the said area to accommodate the construction of the Jubilee Stadium, did not become stuck or bogged down in the swamp?

I may concede the author is correct if perchance an extract from some obscure publication was used to substantiate his ‘swamp and jungle’ article. Reputable media, however, should never seek to rearrange history or facts to please their superior or the public.

Yours faithfully,
C S Vaughn