Annoyed about media accusations against Harmon

Dear Editor,

I have recognised with much annoyance the relentless accusations being aired in the media against Minister Joseph Harmon. To begin with, some vocal members of society have reprimanded Minister Harmon over the appointment of Mr Brian Tiwari. Their arguments were primarily based on Mr Tiwari’s alleged involvement with the People’s Progressive Party (PPP).  When this new government took over it was BK Tiwari who began the massive clean-up exercise and it was BK Tiwari who spoke about the many sluices that were left unattended under the PPP/C. I vividly remember seeing him on HGPTV Nightly News publicly chastising the PPP for their neglect of many kokers and sluices. It was BK who spent money and showed the public that he was fulfilling his corporate responsibilities. When this businessman was doing the above none of us spoke; rather we all sat quietly and when he was given a certificate as a form of appreciation, not pay, we all suddenly got the audacity to speak out against Minister Harmon. Why didn’t we tell Mr Harmon from the beginning to let BK go and not allow him to do anything for this government?

Secondly, there has already been clarification with reference to Minister Harmon’s trip to China, hence I need not waste ink to reiterate. However I would like to know if it is a crime to take a picture with anyone? Whether it is accepted or not let it be registered in the minds of all that Baishanlin came to Guyana under the PPP/C and I am absolutely sure that he has all the necessary legal documentation. Baishanlin is an investor and assuming that the company was not conducting itself properly under the PPP, then it is quite understandable that Mr Harmon and Baishanlin would have to meet. The duty of this government is not to chase investors away or create an unfriendly environment for investors, but rather to put corrective measures in place so that current and prospective investors will agree and comply. In short Harmon and Baishanlin had to meet.

Thirdly, the Chinese have contributed significantly to the economic growth of this country. Even though some of us believe that Guyana will soon become GuyChina, it is an undeniable fact that the Chinese have contributed significantly to the development of this country, and therefore what was illegal if the Minister just requested a favour to put a hold on the seizure of vehicles? Remember it was the Chinese embassy that requested the favour. Put yourself in Minister Harmon’s shoes and ask yourself what you would have done?

Editor, corruption is dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power typically involving bribery. I therefore ask the public what was dishonest or fraudulent about Minister Harmon’s action? I maintain that Minister Harmon did nothing illegal and it is my opinion that someone is after Minister Harmon, but I am sure that he, she or they will not succeed. Minister Harmon will continue to serve the people of Guyana and I wish him well in doing so.

Yours faithfully,

Ganesh Mahipaul