Has there been some change in the traffic regulations?

Dear Editor,

For the longest while citizens were looking out and hoping for new regulations to control traffic. Since the double lanes were completed on some roads and put into use so as to regularize driving, you will have noticed that the police are hardly paying any attention to motorists and even the police themselves are breaking the laws. Has there been any change in the regulations?

We have to drive on the left-hand side of the road; has there been any change? I am not aware of any, but some are calling it a highway so we could drive as we like.

We are overtaking on the left-hand side of the road which is causing accidents, even some serious ones, claiming the lives of our useful citizens. When was the law changed to stop overtaking on the right?   The motorcyclists are taking serious risks and causing serious accidents. Has the police Traffic Department given up on us? If you want to see danger, go to Cuffy Square.

Yours faithfully,

S M V Nasseer