Fined $25,000 for stealing four vests

A New Amsterdam man who told the court that being “financially embarrassed” led to his attempt to rob the Colours clothing store on Robb Street, alleged being subjected to vigilante justice before being taken to the police station.

Derek Persaud, 56, pleaded “guilty with explanation” to a charge of stealing four vests worth $26,000 belonging to Milton Bradford, on September 5th.

The prosecution’s facts stated that Bradford saw when Persaud went into the store and picked up the items, and when the defendant walked out, he was arrested by the complainant and taken to the Brickdam Police Station.

Brought before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan, Persaud said he had been taken outside the store, where he was badly beaten while others stood around and watched.

The defendant said he was in the store when he picked up the articles and was subsequently approached by a security guard, who took the clothing from him and took him outside, where he was beaten until he fell unconscious.

Persaud said that it was not until the boss came, that it was decided to take him to the police station.

After being reminded by the Chief Magistrate that he had still not said whether he intended to pay for the items, Persaud responded, “To be honest, I was financially embarrassed and trying to get back to my family.” He added, “…but they didn’t even let me get out of the store,” describing the beating he got as “double the punishment.”

Persaud was ordered by the Chief Magistrate to pay a $25,000 fine or spend four weeks in prison.