Police and traffic lights

Dear Editor,

I am sure everyone has noticed, as I have, that the police have taken over the control of traffic at major junctions, where traffic lights have been installed, and indeed I have to compliment them on the way they perform this task. Despite the lights being green, traffic is stopped, and when red, relentlessly waved on, until you wonder how these police can rest their rapidly-waving hands at night.

There is a problem, though, in that some police are not very tall and cannot be seen by a driver approaching a junction, especially if blocked by a tinted SUV, or a stray cow or horse, for example.  In this instance, could I suggest that the police perhaps can be issued with large, lightweight (cardboard?) day-glo orange hands on sticks, with which they can signal and control the traffic in a safer manner than is presently the case?

Or, perhaps, they could have signal lights, with a red for stop and a green for go?

Oh shucks, I forgot, we already have those!

Yours faithfully,
Peter Bouchard