Good developments

Dear Editor,

I am heartened by some developments going on in this society.  They lift the spirits of citizens.  I share a small handful.

First, a number of streets in Georgetown have been repaved and are now as smooth as a billiard table.  The markers are bright and clear too.  This has been seen along the length of Brickdam, and parts of Middle Street, as well as a few other places.

Second, the crowds in front of the passport office are gone.  There is not even a line for the past several weeks.  The hundreds that once crammed that section of Camp Road daily have petered out to a dozen or so applicants who are barely visible at 07:00hrs.  This is a really good development.  The officials who worked extra hard to bring the situation to the state where it is today are due a special word of praise.

Third, there is this unprecedented phenomenon of state board members questioning publicly, and dissenting publicly.  I commend the independence, but am watching carefully the development at the GWI.  Utilities the world over have a tendency to be a power unto themselves, and resist change.  Guyana is no exception.  Thus, I wait to learn more of the other side of this story.  It could be a matter of a hardnosed presence, or men ganging up to protect territory and settled ways.

Last, the GPL meter readers are consistently prompt.  Their visits are aligned with the time windows identified in the written advisories.  This is satisfying.  As always, there is appreciation for positive developments; a warm round of gratitude is extended to all responsible.  The anticipation is that more will follow in other areas of public service.

Yours faithfully,

GHK Lall