Have the tapes of the handing-over of Independence instruments survived?

Dear Editor,

Congratulations to the Speaker, Dr Barton U A Scotland, staff and artistes who took part in the ‘Afternoon of Reflection and Celebration of Guyana’s 50th Independence Anniversary’ – they deserve our praise.

The group that re-enacted the handing-over of instruments of Independence did a fair job. However, to give the re-enactment some degree of authenticity and interest, it would have been helpful if the actual recordings of the statements by the principal persons: A P (Ochro) Alleyne; the Queen’s representative, the Duke of Kent; Dr Cheddi Jagan and Linden F S  Burnham were used.

Those tapes were available, I know, up to 1991 when we celebrated the 25th year of Independence; I hope they are still available. I would hate to believe what a staff member said to me some years ago, that they were destroyed more than a quarter of a century ago.

NCN and GINA must say if those tapes are still available and if not, why not, because these tapes are part of our patrimony. This letter is being copied to the management of NCN and GINA for a response.

Yours faithfully,

Hamilton Green