History eluded the American people

Dear Editor,

Donald Trump has been declared winner of the US presidential elections in what will go down in history as one of the most gruelling and acrimonious elections. Mrs Clinton who was favoured to win has graciously conceded defeat and extended congratulations to Mr Trump on his victory.

History seems to have eluded the American people many of whom had been hoping to have the first woman president in Mrs Clinton.

Trump’s victory took the entire world by surprise and has already created some jitters in the financial markets in the United States and abroad, including the Asian markets.

It will be interesting to see what changes will emerge from this new development in US politics and what impact it will have on the global economy.

The newly elected Trump in his victory speech promised to be a President of all Americans and congratulated Mrs Clinton for a spirited and well-fought campaign. However, he will need to do much more than that when he assumes the presidency early next year to allay fears by a significant number of the population regarding his stance on immigration and the economy.

As he predicted in the campaign, the US elections would throw up another Brexit-style outcome. It certainly did. It was a victory that defied the polls and to a fair degree rational thinking. But at the end of the day what matters is the will of the American people.

Yours faithfully,

Hydar Ally