UG should go virtual

Dear Editor,

I wish to congratulate all those who recently graduated from the University of Guyana. The university administration must be commended for putting into the labour market graduates from several skill areas including those at the Masters level.

There can be no doubt that the University of Guyana has come a long way since its modest beginnings when it operated out of Queen’s College compound. Many at the time cast aspersions on the establishment of the university which was derisively referred by some as ‘Jagan’s Night School.’ Today the university is the key provider of the needed skills and competencies to drive our national development efforts.

Thanks to the university, there are hundreds like myself who came from humble beginnings and managed to complete a university education which otherwise may not have been possible.

It is now time for the university  to advance to a higher level of education delivery by going virtual, thereby making it possible for students from distant and far flung regions to access a university education. The technology is there and all that is now required is the will to do so.

As someone once said, when it comes to information and communication technology, there is no need for any country to remain third world.

Yours faithfully,

Hydar Ally