Not happy with Richard Narine’s show

Dear Editor,

I am not a very great fan of comedy shows but on Boxing Day I was watching television on NCN Channel 11 which showed the Richard Narine comedy show. To be honest, I am not very much interested in all these comedy shows but on Monday Mr. Narine mentioned some immoral things on his show that makes me think very deeply.

He always talks to a person on a phone he refers to as Uncle George but yesterday (Boxing Day) he went to the extreme where he made mention of the President’s and Prime Minister’s  private parts by referring to their `balls’, also other previous Guyanese Presidents.

I don’t know who this man Richard Narine is but he is stepping beyond his boundaries by the foolishness he articulates on National Television and Radio. How can this man disrespect the President and Prime Minister by talking about their private parts? He also mentioned lots of political and sarcastic stuff on his insane show.

It is my firm opinion that Richard Narine should apologise to the President and Prime Minister. I also note with a great deal of interest that many of these Link Shows at the cultural centre and many plays make mockery of the Christian religion and other religions. It’s time we have a censor board to scrutinize all Link Shows, comedy shows and drama before they go public. Many of these shows have lots of defamatory and immoral speeches including cuss words, sexual overtures and tons of racial and political remarks.

When our young people see these shows it creates more racial, political and religious problems in our society. It is my firm view that many of our so- called playwrights here should do more reading and receive more teachings if they wish to produce plays of substance. Many who sing calypso too for Mash Awards also sing songs of racial discrimination and songs that degrade our leaders. And we give them awards for such immoral renditions.

Democracy is good but sometimes it can mean do what you like, say what you like and live how you like. If we have more shows on  National Television like Richard Narine’s show that degrades the President, Prime Minister and past Presidents I think we are really going down the road of immorality.

Yours faithfully,

Rev. Gideon Cecil